Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pets ? motherventing

OK. Y?all know how mild-mannered and easygoing I am, yeah? Well, I?m about to declare summat that will REALLY make a lot of people think slightly differently of me. It?s a very controversial subject. Very incendiary. I?m going to be outcast from society after I say this. Like a pariah. With an extraordinary arse. But a pariah, nonetheless.

Here goes.

I don?t like pets.

Hate them, in fact.

They are stupid. Stupid pets. All they are are ANIMALS that live in your HOUSE. How lame is that? Animals live in fields, innit. Or, erm, underground. Or the sky. Or zoos. Not houses. Especially not my house. No way! My house is minging enough as it is, why would I want animal shizzle crapping up the place as well?

I feel very strongly about this, but only just feel brave enough to admit it cos, y?know, people get a bit precious about pets. Whatevs. You love your pets, fine. Love them. Just know that, essentially, having a pet means cleaning up after it all the time, and then they die. I like to admire animals from afar. Like, the lions in Africa are GREAT, just don?t be a lion in my kitchen. I would not appreciate that. That is why we have TVs, so that we can watch these great animals in their natural habitats without having to worry about them taking a dump behind the sofa or eating us.

Pets. What good pets are there? None. I once attempted to buy some fish. The idea of pink gravel in a goldfish bowl pleased me more than the notion of having a fish, I guess. I got as far as discovering you can?t just buy a fish and tip it into a bowl ? they need to acclimatise and the water needs to be AERATED ? FFS ? and then I v rapidly lost interest. Cats? Nah, too spiky. Dogs are too needy. Gerbils and hamsters are too small and squeaky. Rabbits are evil. Guinea pigs look like they panic a lot. Reptiles are creepy. Birds in cages is just WRONG. The only pet I may consider ever getting is a tortoise and that?s only cos they sleep for most of the year and you can keep them in a box. What other pets are there?

I have a child who can?t clean up after herself. That is work enough. Why complicate matters by adding a WILD BEAST to the mix? Unfortunately Moo seems genuinely fascinated by animals ? all animals, dammit ? and I can see I?m going to have many battles on my hands when she gets old enough to demand we get a pet.

Oh and one last thing. People who call themselves ?mummy? and ?daddy? in reference to their pet? That is EEEEWWWW. Stop it. You did not conceive nor give birth to the animal. Please don?t act like you did. Eeeewwww.

So c?mon. How unpopular am I now? I don?t like pets. This makes me some kind of monster, yeah?

Got any good pet stories?


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