Monday, August 27, 2012

Mental Health Mondays: On Death, Dying, Loss ? Lovely Healthy


?The wound is the place where light enters you.? ?-Rumi

?Your pain is the breaking of the shel that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.? -Khalil Gibran

As many of you may know, my dad passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly early this summer. ?I had the great fortune of going back home last weekend to reconnect with family and friends for a memorial service in our hometown. ?It was the fourth funeral we?ve had for my dad, and by far the most difficult one.

I was asked to say a few words at the service, and a number of people asked me to share what I said in writing, so I thought what better way than to use Lovely Healthy to not only reach the people who were at the service but to help any of you dear lovely people who might need some healing as well.

Loss in?any?form, be it a death of a loved one, a breakup, a missed opportunity- is an immensely complex emotion to process. ??It hits you in waves, like invisible walls you don?t even know you?re walking through,? a family friend said to me when I called her to tell her the news. ?There are moments every single day when I catch myself in these waves, and I honestly don?t know how I?ll ever come through this pain. ?And then?..I?m back. ?Sometimes you have to breath it out, sometimes you have to sweat it out, talk it out, or cry it out, and sometimes the wave just??disappears.?

What has brought me comfort, dear hearts, is that everyone in the world experiences these feelings at some point in some way or another. ?Everyone loses their father, or has already lost one. ?Everyone has their heart broken. ?Everyone feels alone, feels sad, feels hopeless. ?These are universal feelings, which means they?are not unique to you.??You do not have to identify with the feelings of despair. ?You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are?not your sadness and you are not your pain.? Instead, we can learn from these feelings and listen to what they are trying to teach us.

So. ?On that note. ?Here?s what I shared last weekend. ?I can?t take credit for any of it- it?s all filtered down from beautiful yogis, teachers and poets who have helped me navigate this and every challenge I?ve faced. ?Because I didn?t really write any of it down, here?s what I can remember:

We are shaped by darkness or we are shaped by light. ?The choice is ours and fundamental to the healing of the planet. Your healing is a service to others.

How you handle pain, challenges, and trauma determines who you are at the end of the day.

We get what we can handle.

Hold hands and stick together.

Everything that was beautiful is still beautiful.

Pain and joy can exist at the same time, as the same thing: as a celebration and expression of the love in our hearts.

Because a heart can only break if it?s full.

Light is reflected in Light. Love in Love. The Universe in You.

You are all beautiful creatures each and every one.

sat nam, beautiful people.



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