Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Celebrity Crusie

Celebrity Crusie

Celebrity's go on a cruise where there fans are, and mke a surprise apperences and shows.


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this role play seems cool too bad there are no real male roles. like idk male actors...

I Used to be Religious like you, but then I took some logic to the head

RELIGION: Fu*k Logic

(this is not meant to offend anyone)
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A roleplay about killing Justin Bieber. That's great. XD

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seems good to me too but idk about the girl all the way at the bottom,if you were to make a male singer say like Adam Levine Or Vin Diesel ???

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The Rp's not done yet there will be more roles. Including actors.

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new york times square jaws first night ball drop dick clark new years eve brock lesnar vs alistair overeem times square new years eve

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