Monday, July 30, 2012

Fort Lauderdale engages citizens in visioning and beach efforts ...

While we are busy trying to enjoy this weekend (if it would stop raining long enough and not be quite so hot, maybe check out ?Global Warming?s Terrifying New Math? for some insights), you might want to note some important going ons for next weekend, Saturday August 4.

First, the City of Fort Lauderdale is inviting its citizens to participate in an all day charette process regarding downtown Broward Boulevard. The Broward Boulevard Design Workshop, which will be held at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts, will focus on ideas to improve this corridor as there are already plans underway addressing transportation mobility in both the downtown area and along the Broward Boulevard corridor. Recently awarded an $18 million TIGER grant by the Department of Transportation to make ?The Wave? a downtown street car project a reality, the city is engaging its citizens to participate in this important work. The Wave has community partnerships with Broward County, South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA), State of Florida (FDOT), City of Fort Lauderdale, Downtown Development Authority, and Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Broward Boulevard Public Design Workshop Saturday, August 4th, 2012 9:30am ? 3:00pm Abdo New River Room, Broward Center for the Performing Arts 201 SW 5th. Avenue, Fort Lauderdale Free parking, refreshments and lunch included. RSVP to

The city might want to consider my ?Open Letter to the City of Fort Lauderdale? on April 14 that would positively activate the southwest corner of Broward Boulevard and Andrews Avenue, the heart of the city?s downtown.

The second event on Saturday, August 4 starting at 8am, the City of Fort Lauderdale Parks and Recreation is asking for volunteers to assemble trash cans for the beach. As a volunteer in the Citizens Volunteer Corp, the city can offer NCIP/BCIP points, money and community service hours.

With tools and refreshments provided, volunteers are being asked to park behind the Fort Lauderdale Police Station accessed via Broward Boulevard. To learn more contact Maxine Singh at 954-828-5005 or visit CVC Volunteers.

The flyer shows trash and recycling containers which would be a welcome addition to our beaches. As part of the city?s efforts to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill and to increase its recycling efforts, it would well be worth a look at the Sustainability Action Plan that serves as a guide for the city and its citizens to becoming a more sustainable city.

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In the Beginning Was the Word

Thursday 26th July saw the launch of, a new English language science blog network., the brand-new home for Nature Network bloggers, forms part of the SciLogs international collection of blogs which already exist in German, Spanish and Dutch. To celebrate this addition to the NPG science blogging family, some of the NPG blogs are publishing posts focusing on ?Beginnings?.

Participating?in this cross-network blogging festival is Soapbox Science blog, Scitable?s Student Voices blog and bloggers from,, Scitable and Scientific American?s Blog Network. Join us as we explore the diverse interpretations of beginnings ? from scientific examples such as stem cells?to first time experiences such as publishing your first paper. You can also follow and contribute to the conversations on social media by using the #BeginScights hashtag. ? Bora


?Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all.?
Sir Winston Churchill, British politician (1874 ? 1965)

In the 18th and 19th century collections of natural oddities and specimens were very popular among rich people. Most displayed material was collected by lucky discoverers, assistants or students, only much later also the noble men themselves got into the field, even is such activity was considered more a necessity to gather unique specimens than to understand nature.

The Swiss professor of philosophy Horace-B?n?dict de Saussure (1740-1799) was one of the first to propose to the savants of the time the necessity to gain also observations and measurements in the field. ?Savants? was a general term adopted simply to well educated people interested in various arts ? like philosophy and medicine ? which often included studies of natural phenomena. ?Natural philosophy? included all observable phenomena in nature, from the physiological reaction of the human body on the summit of a mountain to the rocks composing such a mountain. Natural philosophy was only loosely divided in three sub-disciplines- zoology, botany and mineralogy ? based on the collectable specimens (like animals, plants and minerals).

Fig.1. James Hutton (left) and Joseph Black portrayed as ?philosophers? or early ?geognosts?, caricature published in 1787 by John Kay (Edinburgh).

A much specific approach, to the structure of earth itself, was initiated by a new science emerging from geography and adapted to the necessities of the mining industries to understand better the underground.

In Germany the art called ?geognosie? (?earth knowledge?) included the description and representation of the surface of earth, like geography, but widened its approach to the third dimension, hidden below the surface of earth. This science was referred also as ?mineralogical geography? or with the french term of ?g?ographie souterraine? (?geography of the underground?). Its goals are best understandable in the Italian name ?anatomia della terra? ? ?anatomy of earth?.

Fig.2. Luigi Ferdinando Marsili ?On the Structures of Mountains?, published in 1705. Early geognosts mapped and developed a classification scheme for the various landscapes observed in nature; however a theory, explaining the formation of these features, was lacking.

However geognosie was an applied, descriptive art, not a science in a modern sense dedicated to formulate hypothesis and test them. Even if Geognosts went in the field only to map the rocks of the countryside, their maps and profiles were a major input to create a new ? this time a real ? science researching and testing also theories.

Already Georges-Louis Leclerc de Buffon (1707-1788) stressed in his ?Nature?s Epochs? (1778) the necessity to create an own geotheory to understand the structure and history of earth. In the same year of Buffon?s ?Epochs? the term geology was introduced (hesitant) in the literature by the Swiss naturalist Jean-Andre de Luc (1727-1817) with his opus ?Letters on Mountains?.

?I mean here by cosmology only the knowledge of the earth, and not that of the universe. In this sense, ?geology? would have been the correct word, but I dare not adopt it, because it is not in common use.?

Geology became synonymous with the ?Theory of the Earth?, as a part of cosmology dedicated to the description of the character of earth and, maybe even more important, the relationships of geological forces with animals, plants and also we humans.

?In now addressing my brother -geologists ? and under this term I would comprehend all who take an interest in the progress of a science whose problems are inseparably interwoven with the whole study of nature ? I have been influenced by the conviction that it is good for us, as workers in the same field, occasionally to pause and question ourselves as to the ultimate bearing of our investigations.?
David Page (1863) ?The Philosophy of Geology.?

However the word geology has much older roots. In his testament and legacy written in 1603 the Italian Renaissance- naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) introduces the term ?Giologia? to refer to the study of ?fossilia? ? the things unearthed.
Aldrovandi tried his whole life to classify nature and to separate rocks and fossils from the animals and plants the already existing term mineralogy was not sufficient. Giologia would encompass all rocks, all minerals and especially the petrified organisms (he recognized some fossils as once living beings) excavated from below the earth?s surface.

Fig.3. ?La giologia? in the official version of Aldrovandi?s last will.

200 years later the term, theory and principles of Geology will become widely known.

Fig.4. ?I a geologist?, from the Notebook M, 1838, page 39 of Charles Darwin, the full phrase as follows: ?I a geologist have illdefined notion of land covered with ocean, former animals, slow force cracking surface &c truly poetical.?


ROSENBERG, G.D. (2009): The measure of man and landscape in the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution. In Rosenberg, G.D. (ed.): The Revolution in Geology from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment: Geological Society of America Memoir 203: 13-40
RUDWICK, M.J.S (2005): Bursting the limits of time ? The reconstruction of Geohistory in the Age of Revolution. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, London: 708
TH?SEN, J.v.d. (2008) : Sch?nheit und Schrecken der Vulkane ? Zur Kulturgeschichte des Vulkanismus. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt: 239
VAI, B. (2003): Aldrovandi?s Will: introducing the term ?Geology? in 1603. In BATTISTA, G. & CAVAZZA, W. (2003): Four Centuries of the Word geology ? Ulisse Aldrovandi 1603 in Bologna. Minerva Edizioni: 327


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Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Home Based Business Opportunity | Contacts Manufacturer ...

This is why I often locate a new home based business opportunity:If I were to ask you to take note of, on a bit of paper, a number that would rank as the most critical, what would it be? Probably your age, a, or the time of a special occasion may come to mind. For me, the number 9 will be the head of the package and it might be towards the top of the number for numerous others as well. As you probably know, nine represents how many those without work in the U.S. today. More especially, it amounts to 9.1% unemployed in the current marketplace. That is an unbelievable amount of people looking for employment, and monthly about 400,000 more apply for unemployment benefits. Home foreclosures are near an high, and the mood in the united kingdom is depressed and confrontational, to express the least.While all this apathy produces a feeling of hopelessness and disappointment, it?ll offer opportunities for those willing to engage the entrepreneurial spirit with a brand new home based business opportunity. Many which were laid off are now recognizing this really is their opportunity to satisfy a lengthy awaited dream of owning a business or making an income in an unusual way. Working from home has long been a preferred approach. The theory that you don?t have to travel, punch a period clock, or deal with a surly manager is pretty darn appealing. But, the thing that your home business will demand is discipline?if you don?t set a schedule and stick with it, your business will experience immeasurably.You can get on the web and key in ?home business? and you?ll actually come up with thousands of sites that have your eyes rolling up just like a cheap color. It would take you months, or even years, to wade through most of the offers. So, I believe among the best ways to narrow the list down is always to look for what is relevant in today?s marketplace. Perhaps in a depressed industry, people still continue business activity. Those that could meet and comprehend the need will be the people that find the most success. What?s killed more retail firms than anything else could be the overhead new storefronts are stuck with. A home based business eliminates much of the overhead providing you with an improved bottom line.A new home based business opportunity with strong training and education can provide you with anything you need to begin earning profits in a short period of time. You might have the most effective thought on the planet, but minus the proven tools to apply your plan?it will more often than not fail. Find an individual who can help you just take the guesswork out from the situation and replaced it with home based gains. It is now your submit the driver?s seat.

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Star-studded audience for Olympic opening ceremony

LONDON (AP) ? There will be monarchs, presidents, prime ministers, plus David Beckham and the cast of "Downton Abbey." Friday's opening ceremony for the London Olympics is an A-list affair.

Among the 60,000 spectators at Olympic Stadium will be Queen Elizabeth II ? who as British head of state will officially open the games ? along with royals including Prince William and his wife Kate, and Prince Harry.

There's sure to be a sprinkling of showbiz royalty, too, with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, recently filming in Britain, the most often-cited names ? though the first celeb spotted arriving was British actor Richard E. Grant.

British movie star Orlando Bloom stopped to take pictures with British soldiers and fans outside the stadium.

"I'm a big fan of Danny Boyle, so I'm excited to see what he's done!" Bloom said.

Actor Hugh Bonneville, who plays aristocrat Lord Grantham in the costume drama "Downton Abbey," tweeted a picture of his fellow cast-members arriving at the stadium.

The British government says more than 80 heads of state and government will be in the audience, including royalty from Brunei, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.

The U.S. will be represented by first lady Michelle Obama, and Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will also attend.

Beckham, who helped bring the games to London and said he has a role in the ceremony, will be there.

"Today is going to be an amazing moment," Beckham said Friday.

British newspapers also have speculated that boxing great Muhammad Ali may be involved.

The show, a 27 million pound ($42 million) spectacular titled "Isles of Wonder," will end with a performance by Paul McCartney.

Associated Press Writer Cassandra Vinograd contributed to this report.


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Friday, July 27, 2012

Facebook shares hit new low on growth worries

Facebook shares on Thursday sank to a new low after the world's leading social network reported a loss of $157 million in its first earnings after its public offering.

The financial results were largely in line with expectations and were dragged down by reserves set aside for stock grants but investors were evidently spooked by signs that the social network's blistering growth rate is cooling.

Facebook shares plunged more than 11 percent to $23.80 in after-hours trade after the news, which came a day after key Facebook partner Zynga reported disappointing earnings, dampening enthusiasm about social media.

Facebook, which made a market splash in May, said that excluding special items, its results for the second quarter showed a profit of 12 cents a share, in line with most forecasts, as revenue rose to $1.18 billion, a bit above market estimates.

The loss stemmed from accounting rules requiring Facebook to set aside reserves from restricted stock units before 2011, a fact disclosed when the company went public.

According to the rules, Facebook should take a charge against earnings of some $1.3 billion for stock awarded and related expenses.

The results showed growth for Facebook in overall revenue, operating profits and the number of users -- which grew to 955 million by the end of the quarter.

Revenue for the second quarter totaled $1.18 billion, an increase of 32 percent from the same period a year ago.

Advertising revenue -- 84 percent of the total -- was $992 million, up 28 percent.

Excluding share-based compensation and related expenses, profits from operations for the second quarter were $515 million, compared to $477 million for the second quarter of 2011.

In the release, Facebook said its monthly active users rose to 955 million as of June 30, an increase of 29 percent year-over-year.

Daily active users increased 32 percent to 552 million and mobile active users rose 67 percent to 543 million.

The rate that Facebook has been adding monthly and daily active users has slowed steadily from this time two years ago when the numbers were more than doubling.

Facebook founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg offered no comment on the financial results, but repeated the company's mantra.

"Our goal is to help every person stay connected and every product they use be a great social experience," he said in a statement.

"That's why we're so focused on investing in our priorities of mobile, platform and social ads to help people have these experiences with their friends."

But Trip Chowdhry at Global Equities Research said the results confirmed his pessimistic outlook for Facebook.

"Facebook is an unproven company, with unproven concepts, along with mediocre management," he said in a note, calling the company "overhyped and under-delivered."

Facebook shares have been in a funk since their much-hyped May 18 debut was plagued by technical glitches and complaints that key forecasts were kept from the public in what was the largest initial public offering for a tech firm.

Shares have fallen steadily since the IPO at $38.

Some analysts still like Facebook, saying the world's biggest social network will find a way to leverage its user base of nearly one billion users to sell advertising and generate other revenues.

But others say the company may have trouble growing at the breakneck pace it has in the past, and may have trouble generating revenue growth as users shift to the mobile Internet, where advertising is more complex.

Chowdhry said that to justify a stock price of $25, "Facebook should be growing revenue in excess of 150 percent... and management is totally clueless how to grow revenue in excess of 150 percent. Facebook is a great stock in the low to mid-teens. The IPO was totally mispriced."

Sentiment on the sector took a hit Wednesday when Zynga, a social games firm with strong ties to Facebook, reported weaker-than-expected results.

Zynga shares plunged 37 percent on Thursday and lost another three percent in after-hours trade following the Facebook results.


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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Salt Substitute - Articles from - Article Submitter

When following a heart healthy diet most folks seem to focus on the fat. While fat is important especially the type of fat, it is also important to be aware of the daily sodium intake. So many folks don't want to give up their salt. They not only don't want to, they don't think they can. They think their food will not have any taste. Usually, they won't do it until something happens to scare them into it, then the salt has got to go. It is usually very serious, literally, a life or death situation.

A salt substitute will help reduce their daily sodium intake and help them stick to a low sodium diet. Salt substitutes are not all the same and definitely don't all taste the same.

Low sodium diet guidelines usually suggest the recommended daily sodium intake of 2,000 mg of sodium or less. The Mayo Clinic has stated that we should try to get closer to 1,500 mg of sodium intake per day, or less. Now, this is not just for folks with heart problems or kidney failure. This is the number they want to see everyone, that includes the average person, to stay below.

They estimated that if the adult population in the United States would lower their daily sodium intake to below 1,500 mg, we could save at least 90,000 lives each year. That's amazing news. That is a lot of lives saved. Not mentioning how good this would be for the folks who didn't die. They would be lowering their risk and perhaps they could eliminate the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack, avoid heart failure, or kidney failure totally. Just think, that doing this one thing, lowering the recommended daily sodium intake, could prevent so much pain and distress.

In the United States, the FDA stated that nearly one in three adults has high blood pressure which is also known as hypertension.

High blood pressure has been shown to increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure and even death. Hypertension is called the "silent killer" because you feel fine, there are no symptoms, until one day there you are, and now you have a problem. Perhaps, you had a stroke, a heart attack, your found out you have heart failure, kidney failure or worse. This problem can change the rest of your life and greatly impact your family.

So, what do you do? You need to lower your daily sodium intake.

1 - Figure out how much sodium you are eating on a daily basis. Keep a log. Don't cheat. The totals may shock you. Become aware and start lowering your daily sodium intake.

2 - Get your diet to 2,000 mg - 1500 mg of sodium or even lower per day.

3 - Take the salt shaker off the table.

4 - Don't cook with salt.

5 - Eliminate foods that are high in sodium, for example most snack foods, processed foods, fast food, and eating out in restaurants.

6 - Using a salt substitute can help.

Note: You may notice that the lower the fat of an item, even a so-called heart healthy product, the higher the sodium will usually be, so be aware.

Finding a good salt substitute that you like and is good for you is not always easy. However, this one step is key towards helping most of you lower your daily sodium intake. Salt substitutes are not all the same. Also, use good tasting salt free seasonings, that you like, and just like a salt substitute, they do not all taste the same.

Prepare low sodium recipes and learn to cook at home. Purchase no salt added products, or low sodium products. These steps will help you lower your daily sodium intake and follow a low sodium diet which will lead to a more heart healthy diet.

And now go sign up for our FREE Season It Newsletter when you visit Benson's Gourmet Seasonings at Learn more about a low sodium diet, cooking tips, salt free seasonings, our salt substitute and recipes. Debbie Benson with over 30 years experience promoting salt free seasonings.


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Last edited by watwaat22 : 07-25-2012 at 11:03 AM.


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The New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF) - Brazil Press

NEW YORK, NY?(Marketwire ? Jul 25, 2012) ? The New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF), the premier Latino film festival in the country, opens its 13th edition with FILLY BROWN, starring breakout actress Gina Rodriguez (GO FOR IT, OUR FAMILY WEDDING), and closes with LEMON, the raw story of three-time felon and one-time Tony Award-winner, spoken word artist Lemon Andersen.?The NYILFF is presented by HBO?. Schedule information and tickets will be available online and at the Chelsea Clearview Cinemas box office beginning July 27:

NYILFF kicks off on Monday, August 13 with a 15th anniversary presentation of SELENA at Cinema Under The Stars, a free outdoor screening presented by HBO? at St. Nicholas Park on St. Nicholas Avenue and 135th Street in Manhattan. Opening Night on Tuesday, August 14, through Closing Night on Saturday, August 18, panel discussions and other festival activities will take place at Chelsea Clearview Cinemas, 260 West 23rd Street, NYC 10011. The 2012 NYILFF Awards presentation will take place on Sunday, August 19.?

NYILFF also presents a World Premiere exclusive screening of THE GIRL IS IN TROUBLE, a special presentation attended by stars Wilmer Valderrama and Columbus Short, and will include a Q&A.?The film will be distributed theatrically by RCR Media Group.?In addition, the heartwarming ELLIOTT LOVES, winner of the Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Audience Award for Best Picture, will headline the festivals Dominican Night.

HBO has been the proud presenting sponsor of the NYILFF since its inception in 1999, said Lucinda Martinez, vice president, Domestic Network Distribution & Multicultural Marketing at HBO.?We commend the festival on its success and ongoing efforts to raise the profile of Latino films and take special pride in our HBO/NYILFF Short Film Competition partnership which offers new Latino talent a chance to produce a winning script to film.

In thirteen years, NYILFF has grown in prestige and stature around the country and internationally, explained Calixto Chinchilla, founder and co-executive director.?We continually strive to provide a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work to New Yorks diverse audiences.

On behalf of everyone involved with NYILFF, we would like to thank our sponsors whose consistent support has allowed NYILFF to become an internationally renowned Latino film festival in the U.S.?We pride ourselves on providing our sponsors, filmmakers and audience with an elevated film-going experience, says Elizabeth Gardner, co-executive director.

The 2012 HBO?/NYILFF Short Film Competition winner is Carmen Pel?ez for her script THE ACTING LESSON.?The film will be co-directed by Nicolas Calzada. Held earlier this year, the competition awards the writer of the winning script $15,000 in HBO funding to produce and direct the script and present it at NYILFF. In addition, HBO provides an executive to mentor the winner and her production team through the completion of the project.?Jointly created in 2004, the competition seeks to foster films by Latino filmmakers and/or about the Latino experience.


OPENING NIGHT ? Co-Presented by Latina Magazine
Tuesday, August 14 ? 7 pm ? Chelsea Clearview Cinemas
Directors: Youssef Delara, Michael D. Olmos
Writer: Youssef Delara
Cast: Gina Rodriguez, Jenni Rivera, Edward James Olmos, Chrissie Fit, Lou Diamond Phillips
Logline: Maria Jose Majo Tonorio is a tough LA street poet who spits from the heart.?Shes an aspiring rap artist, while being a good daughter and older sister. Majos life becomes a roller coaster when she tries to get her mother out of jail.?FILLY BROWN will be distributed theatrically by Indomina Releasing.

DOMINICAN NIGHT ? Presented by Heineken. Sponsored by HBO? and the Dominican American Professional Alliance
Thursday, August 16 ? 7 pm ? Columbia University Medical Center Alumni Auditorium
630 West 168
th St. at Ft. Washington Ave., NYC 10032
Writer/Director: Terracino
Cast: Elena Goode, Tillman Norsworthy and Robin de Jesus
Logline: Two stages of a Dominican-Americans life: first as a boy trying to bond with his young mother, and then a 21-year-old looking for love in New York City.

CLOSING NIGHT ? Presented by Pepsi
Saturday, August 18 ? 7 pm ? Chelsea Clearview Cinemas
Directors: Laura Brownson, Beth Levison
Performed by: Lemon Andersen
Logline: A feature-length documentary film depicting Lemon Andersens struggle to free his family from poverty and pain as he exposes his most shocking secrets on the NY Stage.?LEMON is a Russell Simmons presentation in association with Impact Partners.

Saturday, August 18 ? 8:45 pm ? Chelsea Clearview Cinemas
Director: Julius Onah
Co-Written by: Julius Onah and Mayuran Tiruchelvam
Cast: Columbus Short, Wilmer Valderrama, Alicja Bachleda and Jesse Spencer
Logline: From executive producer Spike Lee comes the thriller The Girl Is In Trouble, a Lower East Side bartender becomes entangled in a murder mystery involving a desperate woman, a missing drug dealer and the scion of a powerful investment firm.?

NYILFF will also present in competition domestic and international features, documentaries and shorts, plus On The Edge, a showcase of non-traditional film genres and NYILFF Spectrum, which showcases global urban films, not limited to the Latino perspective.?NYILFF also includes industry panels, red carpet premieres and celebrity appearances.



180 SEGUNDOS?(180 Seconds) (Colombia)
A NOVELA DAS 8 (Prime Time Soap)?(Brazil)
EL RUMOR DE LAS PIEDRAS (The Rumble of the Stones) (Venezuela)
JAQUE MATE (Check Mate) (Dominican Republic)
LA BRUJULA LA LLEVA EL MUERTO (The Compass Is Carried By The Dead Man) (Mexico)
LA LUCHA DE ANA?(Anas Struggle) (Dominican Republic)
LA MUJER DE IV?N?(Ivans Woman) (Chile)
LA ?LTIMA ISLA?(The Last Island) (Spain)
SANGRE DE FAMILIA (Family Blood) (Mexico)
ZOOL?GICO (Zoo) (Chile)

BUSCANDO A LARISA (Looking for Larisa) (Mexico)
ESPERANDO A LOS BITLES?(Waiting For The Beatles)?(Mexico)
HIJA (Daughter) (Chile)


EL HOYO DEL DIABLO (The Devils Hole) (Dominican Republic)


Something In the Way She Moves
The Catchers In The Rye
Use Your Illusion
? PROGRAM 4: Check Yo Self ? PROGRAM 5: The Anatomy of Melancholy
? ? LEYENDA ? ? ? ? ? ?

The 2012 NYILFF is presented by HBO? and HBO Latino? and made possible with the additional support of American Airlines, Daily News/Viva, NBC 4 New York and Telemundo 47, 103.5 KTU, Z100, Power 105.1 and Wing Advertising. The NYILFF is also proud to have Aquafina, Barefoot Wine, Caf? Bustelo, General Motors, Heineken, Macys and Pepsi as Benefactors. Media partners consist of El Diario, El Especial/El Especialito Newspaper, Hispanic PRBlog, Hispanicize, HOMBRE Magazine, HuffPost LatinoVoices, Latina Media Ventures, LatinTRENDS, The Village Voice and Marketwire, as the exclusive wire partner. Venue partners include Clearview Chelsea Cinemas 9, Columbia University Medical Centers Office of Government & Community Affairs, Imagenation Cinema Foundation and Mount Sinai Hospital. The Industry partner is SAG-AFTRA.?Technology and Creative partners include Analog Digital, Click3x, Eleet Tech, Heard City and spoon+fork. Special Thanks to the Mayors Office of Media and Entertainment, the New York Latin Media and Entertainment Commission and Reyes Entertainment.

Launched in 1999, the New York International Latino Film Festival (NYILFF) is now the premier Urban Latino film event in the country. The NYILFFs mission is to showcase the works of the hottest emerging Latino filmmaking talent in the U.S. and Latin America, offer expansive images of the Latino experience, and celebrate the diversity and spirit of the Latino community. Programming includes the flagship film festival in NYC, new music and art showcases, family and community events, scholarships for aspiring filmmakers, and a nationally recognized short film competition in partnership with HBO. The NYILFF is the only film event to have had the endorsement of Mayor Michael Bloombergs NYC Latin Media and Entertainment Commission since its formation in 2003.

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Mali's anti-putsch front demands prime minister resign

A grouping of Mali's main political parties formed after a March coup, on Tuesday demanded the resignation of the interim prime minister whom they accused of "incompetence and amateurishness".

"Three months after its formation, the transition government led by Cheick Modibo Diarra has only become bogged down in incompetence and amateurishness and Mali is only sinking deeper," the United Front for the Defence of the Republic and Democracy said in a statement.

The FDR called for Diarra to "resign in order to facilitate consultations to put in place a new prime minister and a government of national union".

The grouping unites some 40 political parties and about 100 civil society organisations.

The call for Diarra's resignation comes as the prime minister is working on forming a wider unity government which the Economic Community of West African States said must be formed by July 31.

He has presented a roadmap to mediator Blaise Compaore as a way out of the country's post-coup crisis.

The FDR criticised this as "a plan of action without political or strategic vision, and without a timeline or precise plan, clearly concocted under the pressure of events and in which the burning priorities of the nation are scarcely in evidence".

The grouping notably accused Diarra of having "no strategy to free, through war or negotiation" the north of the country which has been occupied by Islamist groups for nearly four months.

The Al Qaeda-linked groups seized control of the north in a takeover spearheaded by separatist Tuareg rebels, taking advantage of the chaos created by the coup in the capital.

They have since pushed out the Tuareg fighters, and set about enforcing strict Islamic law.

The formation of a wider unity government comes as an interim government set up after the coup has proved unable to deal with the crisis in the north.

The aim is to unite the disparate political forces in Mali to take back control of the north and halt attacks in Bamako against public figures and journalists.

The attacks have been carried out by armed men believed to be close to the former military junta, which has handed over power but remains influential.

ECOWAS wants to send a 3,000-strong military force to Mali, but is waiting for United Nations approval and a formal request from Bamako.

The regional bloc's military experts are currently carrying out an "audit" of the foundering Malian army to determine its needs, and to allow Mali's authorities to write precise requests to the United Nations and African Union.


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NYT: Enrollment drops in big school districts

Enrollment in nearly half of the nation?s largest school districts has dropped steadily over the last five years, triggering school closings that have destabilized neighborhoods, caused layoffs of essential staff and concerns in many cities that the students who remain are some of the neediest and most difficult to educate.

While the losses have been especially steep in long-battered cities like Cleveland and Detroit, enrollment has also fallen significantly in places suffering through the recent economic downturn, like Broward County, Fla., San Bernardino, Calif., and Tucson, according to the latest available data from the Department of Education, analyzed for The New York Times. Urban districts like Philadelphia and Columbus, Ohio, are facing an exodus even as the school-age population has increased.

Enrollment in the New York City schools, the largest district in the country, was flat from 2005 to 2010, but both Chicago and Los Angeles lost students, with declining birthrates and competition from charter schools cited as among the reasons.

Because school financing is often allocated on a per-pupil basis, plummeting enrollment can mean fewer teachers will be needed. But it can also affect the depth of a district?s curriculum, jeopardizing programs in foreign languages, music or art.

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While large districts lost students in the 1970s as middle class families left big cities for the suburbs, districts are losing students now for a variety of reasons. The economy and home foreclosure crisis drove some families from one school system into another. Hundreds of children from immigrant families have left districts in Arizona and California as their parents have lost jobs. Legal crackdowns have also prompted many families to return to their home countries.

In some cases, the collapse of housing prices has led homeowners to stay put, making it difficult for new families ? and new prospective students ? to move in and take their place.

But some say the schools are partly to blame. ?We have record-low confidence in our public schools,? said Kevin Johnson, the mayor of Sacramento and head of education policy for the United States Conference of Mayors. (He is married to Michelle Rhee, the lightning rod former chancellor of the Washington public schools and now an advocate for data-driven reform). ?If we have high-quality choices in all neighborhoods, you don?t have that exodus taking place,? he said.

The rise of charter schools has accelerated some enrollment declines. The number of students fell about 5 percent in traditional public school districts between 2005 and 2010; by comparison, the number of students in all-charter districts soared by close to 60 percent, according to the Department of Education data. Thousands of students have moved into charter schools in districts with both traditional public and charter schools.

Although the total number of students in charter schools is just 5 percent of all public school children, it has had a striking effect in some cities. In Columbus, Ohio, for example, enrollment in city schools declined by more than 10 percent ? or about 6,150 students ? between 2005 and 2010, even as charter schools gained close to 9,000 students.

A year ago, Tanya Moton withdrew her daughter, Dy?Mon Starks, 12, from a public school and signed her up for Graham Expeditionary Middle School, a nearby charter school.

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?The classes were too big, the kids were unruly and didn?t pay attention to the teachers,? Ms. Moton said of the former school.

She said she sought help for her daughter?s dyslexia at her former school, but officials ?claimed that she didn?t need it.? After transferring to Graham, Ms. Moton said, ?one of the teachers stayed after school every Friday to help her.?

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During the recession and weak recovery, pinched state financing and dwindling property taxes forced many public schools to shed teachers and cut programs.

?The fewer students we have, the fewer dollars we?re getting? from the state and federal government, said Matthew E. Stanski, chief financial officer of Prince George?s County Public Schools in Maryland, where enrollment has fallen by almost 5 percent in five years, despite sharp gains in nearby counties.

Officials have laid off about 100 teachers and district employees, cut prekindergarten to half days and canceled some athletic programs, Mr. Stanski said.

In Los Angeles, the district has dismissed more than 8,500 teachers and other education workers in the last four years as enrollment fell by about 56,000 students. The Mesa Unified District, which lost 7,155 students between 2005 and 2010, has closed four middle schools in the last three years, delayed new textbook purchases, and laid off librarians.

The students left behind in some of these large districts are increasingly children with disabilities, in poverty or learning English as a second language.

Jeff Warner, a spokesman for the Columbus City Schools, said that enrollment appears to be stabilizing, but it can be difficult to compete against suburban and charter schools because of the district?s higher proportion of students requiring special education services.

In Cleveland, where enrollment fell by nearly a fifth between 2005 and 2010, the number of students requiring special education services has risen from 17 percent of the student body to 23 percent, up from just under 14 percent a decade ago, according to the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

Such trends alarm those who worry about the increasing inequity in schools. ?I see greater stratification and greater segregation,? said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers.

Educators are concerned that a vicious cycle will set in. Some of the largest public school systems in the country are in danger of becoming ?the schools that nobody wants,? said Jeffrey Mirel, an education historian at the University of Michigan.

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Jeanmarie Hedges, a mother of two teenage sons, moved her family out of Prince George?s County two years ago because the proportion of students passing standardized tests was much lower than in neighboring Charles County, Md.

Ms. Hedges said she was also driven by fear of violence in the school. ?Some of our friends went there and they were beaten up a lot,? she said.

A. Duane Arbogast, acting deputy superintendent for academics in Prince George?s County, said he recognized the challenge of persuading families to send their children to public schools.

?We simply have to get better and provide an education that people of all social classes would be proud of,? said Mr. Arbogast, who cited a new health sciences academy and a planned performing arts high school in his district.

But declining enrollment can force tough trade-offs. ?If you want to offer Spanish but you only have 80 kids taking Spanish, then your cost per pupil? is larger than if you have 500 in Spanish classes, said Jonathan Travers, director at Education Resource Strategies, a nonprofit consulting group that helps school systems adjust to changes in enrollment.

Before the Mesa district closed Brimhall Junior High School this year, the school lost teachers in art, music and technology in part because of a declining student head count. That made it harder for the school, which faces competition from many charter schools, to attract students.

?Education has gotten to be almost a sales job,? said Susan Chard, who taught seventh grade math at Brimhall for 18 years. ?You want to provide reasons for parents to bring their children to your school.?

Copyright ? 2012 The New York Times


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New evidence for regular magnitude 8 earthquakes, study of New Zealand fault shows

ScienceDaily (July 25, 2012) ? A new study published in the journal Science, co-authored by University of Nevada, Reno's Glenn Biasi and colleagues at GNS Science in New Zealand, finds that very large earthquakes have been occurring relatively regularly on the Alpine Fault along the southwest coastline of New Zealand for at least 8,000 years.

The Alpine Fault is the most hazardous fault on the South Island of New Zealand, and about 80 miles northwest of the South Island's main city of Christchurch.

The team developed evidence for 22 earthquakes at the Hokuri Creek site, which, with two additional from nearby, led to the longest continuous earthquake record in the world for a major plate boundary fault. The team established that the Alpine Fault causes, on average, earthquakes of around a magnitude 8 every 330 years. Previous data put the intervals at about 485 years.

Relative motion of Australian and Pacific plates across the Alpine Fault averages almost an inch per year. This motion builds up, and then is released suddenly in large earthquakes. The 530-mile-long fault is among the longest, straightest and fastest moving plate boundary faults in the world. More than 23 feet of potential slip has accumulated in the 295 years since the most recent event in A.D. 1717.

Biasi, working with the GNS Science team led by Kelvin Berryman, used paleoseismology to extend the known seismic record from 1000 years ago to 8,000 years ago. They estimated earthquake dates by combining radiocarbon dating leaves, small twigs and marsh plants with geologic and other field techniques.

"Our study sheds new light on the frequency and size of earthquakes on the Alpine Fault. Earthquakes have been relatively periodic, suggesting that this may be a more general property of simple plate boundary faults worldwide," Biasi, of the Nevada Seismological Laboratory said. "By comparison, large earthquakes on California's San Andreas Fault have been less regular in size and timing."

"Knowing the average rate of earthquakes is useful, but is only part of the seismic hazard equation," he said. "If they are random in time, then the hazard does not depend on how long it has been since the most recent event. Alpine Fault earthquakes are more regular in their timing, allowing us to use the time since the last earthquake to adjust the hazard estimate. We estimate the 50-year probability of a large Alpine fault earthquake to be about 27 percent."

A magnitude 7.1 earthquake centered near Christchurch, the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand, caused extensive damage to buildings on Sept. 2, 2010, and no deaths. On Feb. 22, 2011, a triggered aftershock measuring magnitude 6.3, with one of the strongest ground motions ever recorded worldwide in an urban area, struck the city killing 185 people.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Nevada, Reno, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. K. R. Berryman, U. A. Cochran, K. J. Clark, G. P. Biasi, R. M. Langridge, P. Villamor. Major Earthquakes Occur Regularly on an Isolated Plate Boundary Fault. Science, 2012; 336 (6089): 1690 DOI: 10.1126/science.1218959

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Blog Archive ? Killer Sunshine?Preventing Skin Cancer

Last week we shared that July is SPF awareness month. ?Coincidentally, we recently received a request from Allison, co-creator of the graphic below, which takes an in-depth look at skin cancer and what we can do to help prevent it, to share this article?.

If you?re like most people, chances are you?ll take any opportunity to throw on a pair of shorts and soak up a little vitamin D. Summer is the season for taking advantage of every opportunity you can to be outdoors, and while you?re enjoying the weather, you?re also probably happy to work on achieving a nice golden tan while you?re at it. But through all of the barbecuing, swimming, hiking, and good old fashioned sunbathing, it might just slip your mind to lather on a little SPF 40. When it comes to enjoying the great outdoors, it?s in your best interest to make sure that you do so with the proper protection. Skin cancer rates have skyrocketed in recent years, and while popular culture dictates that a beautifully bronzed body is the ultimate summertime achievement, the obsession with having a great tan is also having some scary health effects. While other cancer rates decline, fatalities from skin cancer continue to rise, and most people don?t realize just how much their risk increases with too much sunshine. While a little dose of golden rays is good for you, most people take that to an extreme, and the impacts of long-term tanning can be more deadly than they realize. The following infographic looks into the causes and effects of the rising skin cancer rates, and it might make you think twice before skipping out on the sunscreen.


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Eating Vegan in New Braunfels | Eat Drink Better

eating vegan

Last time I was in Texas, I got the chance to do a tiny bit of road tripping and I stumbled upon New Braunfels. Just outside of San Antonio in Texas Hill Country, this quaint town was settled by German immigrants in the mid-1800s. With some real American history that can still be seen in parts of downtown, New Braunfels is best known for being the home of Schlitterbahn, a killer water park complete with water roller coaster! But the best part is that amongst the water flumes and ghosts of America?s past, you?ll find some delicious and nutritious grub!

New Braunfels, home of Schlitterbahn

New Braunfels ? home of Schlitterbahn ? has surprisingly tasty vegan eats!

2tarts Bakery

I?ll start with dessert! 2tarts Bakery is a hip bakery that offers up tasty treats for all sorts of special diet sweet toothers. With conventional baked goods along with vegan and gluten free offerings, 2tarts is a great place to get your sweet on and hang with friends.

I love that they are open late, are in the heart of downtown and rock dessert like nobodies business! They even do catering and weddings! I had the good fortune of stumbling upon them and devouring a giant vegan chocolate peanut butter cup! Yumm!! Be sure to stop in and say hi to the baking sisters of 2tarts for a treat.

Liberty Bistro

Not far from 2tarts, you?ll find Liberty Bistro. Located in the basement of the old city hall building, this all American bistro serves up some neat dishes in a unique setting. Sit in an old vault while sipping wine or in the main dining room while checking out the old photos and don?t forget to delve into their menu.

The menu features lots of healthy salads and easily veganizable dishes ? it?s a neat environment for a meal. I had a tasty pate with an even more tasty salad and then asked around about ghost stories! And yeah, I got an earful!

The Phoenix Saloon

If you?re looking for a drink, some more history and some great food, The Phoenix Saloon is your place. Not only is the Phoenix the birthplace of chili, oh yeah, it?s been serving up drinks since 1871.

The bar was the first in Texas to serve women and even had an alligator pit for unruly customers. While it graciously serves all kinds of people and unruly customers just get kicked out onto the sidewalk now, the Phoenix has great veggie options. Veggie chili (of course), veggie burgers and fun sides, this historic gastropub is a must visit!


On the lighter side, you?ll find Naturally. A fresh juice bar and bakery, you can grab a sandwich, salad or even a healthy kids meal there too. Lots of healthy options along with vegan and gluten free, Naturally is the perfect place for a light and quick meal or snack.

My time in New Braunfels may have been quick but the experience will last forever. I?m a sucker for history and it?s even better when wrapped in awesome food! Swing through New Braunfels for Schlitterbahn and stay for some tasty vegan food and spirits!!


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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gov't acknowledges one-time surveillance problem

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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self storage unit,self storage - Long-Term Storage of Precious Antiques

self storage unit,self storage - Long-Term Storage of Precious Antiques
by michelle symonds
Send Feedback to michelle symonds
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self storage unit,self storage More Details about self storage unit,self storage here.

The definition of an antique in the UK is any item that is 100 years old or more (in other countries this definition can be different and elsewhere items are often described as antique when they are only 50 years old or more). But whatever the correct definition we all understand that antiques are old, and this very fact means that they can be very delicate items. Conversely they can also be very solid, well-built items of a much higher quality than similar items produced in more recent times. Depending on their age, rarity, provenance and condition they can be very valuable items so if you are planning to place them in long-term storage then you will want to be sure of preserving their condition and hence value. Long-term storage in a self-storage unit may not be the perfect location for your precious antiques but sometimes you simply have no choice -- you may be relocating abroad for a period of time, moving into rented, furnished accommodation or having your home refurbished. If you take special care of your antiques during the packing, transporting and storage then there is no reason why they will not survive the ordeal unscathed. To ensure your precious antiques remain in good condition follow these simple guidelines: 1. Always use acid-free tissue paper when wrapping delicate items to prevent chemicals in the wrapping materials from damaging the items due to prolonged contact. 2. Use a protective outer layer such as thick cloth, bubble wrap or cardboard to protect from bumps and knocks. 3. Clean all items before storing but ensure no cleaning product residue remains. Every item should then be covered to keep out the dust particles that will settle over time. 4. Preserve leather with a suitable leather protector that will keep moisture out. 5. Treat wooden items with a suitable wood conditioner that will protect against moisture. 6. Dismantle heavy items, wherever possible, to prevent undue stress on the joints and legs then wrap and store each part separately. 7. Very fragile items such as glass and china should be well wrapped and then stored in a rigid container for added protection. 8. Rugs and other fabric items should be protected with layers of acid-free tissue paper and cotton dust sheets. Avoid folding them but if they cannot be laid flat then roll them. 9. Unglazed paintings should be covered with layers of acid-free tissue paper then protected with cardboard or foam padding for very valuable items. 10. Glazed paintings should have the glass covered with strips of masking tape (to protect the painting underneath from damage should the glass break) then wrapped in bubble wrap and cardboard. 11. Antique silver will always be prone to tarnishing but this is not permanent damage and the items can easily be polished back to their former glory once removed from storage. But the amount of tarnishing can be reduced by minimising contact with air so wrap each silver item individually and tightly in cotton cloth followed by a non-absorbent outer layer such as bubble wrap. Because the moisture in the air can cause damage to all types of materials, particularly wood, fabric, metal and leather, minimising the amount of moisture in the air will preserve your antiques in good condition for longer. If yourself storage unit is not climate controlled then invest in a dehumidifier for additional protection of your precious items whilst in self-storage.

The author has written and published articles on a range of topics related to our home environment including moving home, decluttering, space in new-build homes, storage space in London homes and the use of self storageto help us organise our possessions. She is passionate about promoting the responsible and ethical use of the great resource that is the Internet.

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michelle symonds
More Details about self storage unit,self storage here.

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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