Friday, April 13, 2012

Dental x-rays linked to common brain tumor

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A new study suggests people who had certain kinds of dental X-rays in the past may be at an increased risk for meningioma, the most commonly diagnosed brain tumor in the U.S.

The findings cannot prove that radiation from the imaging caused the tumors, and the results are based on people who were likely exposed to higher levels of radiation during dental X-rays than most are today.

"It's likely that the exposure association we're seeing here is past exposure, and past exposure levels were much higher," said Dr. Elizabeth Claus, the study's lead author and a professor at the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.

Claus and her colleagues write in the journal Cancer that dental X-rays are the most common source of exposure to ionizing radiation -- which has been linked to meningiomas in the past -- but most research on the connection is based on people who were exposed to atomic bombs or received radiation therapy.

There have been some studies that looked at dental X-rays, but they were from years ago and included fewer people than the current study, Claus noted. Still, they were generally in agreement with the new findings.

For her study, Claus' team recruited 1,433 people diagnosed with intracranial meningioma -- a tumor that forms in the tissues lining the brain -- between May 2006 and April 2011. All of the participants were diagnosed when they were between 20 and 79 years old and they were all from Connecticut, Massachusetts, North Carolina or the Houston or San Francisco Bay areas.

For comparison, the researchers also followed 1,350 people who were similar in age, sex and state of residence as the study group, but who had not been diagnosed with a tumor.

The study looked at how often people had three different types of dental X-rays. They included a focused image of one area, a number of images of the full mouth and a single panoramic view of the entire mouth. These are known in dentistry parlance as bitewing, full-mouth and panorex films, respectively.

Each person was interviewed by someone trained to administer a questionnaire that asked about demographic details, family history of cancer, pregnancy and medical history. The interviewers also asked -- among other things -- about the person's history of dental work and the number of times they had the three types of dental x-rays taken throughout their life.

The researchers found that those diagnosed with meningiomas were more than twice as likely as the comparison group to report ever having had bitewing images taken.

And regardless of the age when the bitewings were taken, those who had them yearly or more frequently were at between 40 percent and 90 percent higher risk at all ages to be diagnosed with a brain tumor.

To put that in perspective, Dr. Paul Pharoah, a cancer researcher at the University of Cambridge said in a statement the results would mean an increase in lifetime risk of intracranial meningioma in the U.K. from 15 out of every 10,000 people to 22 in 10,000 people.

Panoramic X-rays taken at a young age, especially if done yearly or more often before age 10, also raised the risk of meningiomas by up to five times.

There was no association between full-mouth X-rays and the tumors, although the authors note they saw a trend similar to that seen for the bitewing X-rays.

The lack of association with full-mouth X-rays led one expert to question the connection.

"They found a small risk (from) a pair of bitewings, but not a full mouth series, which is multiple bitewings. That inconsistency is impossible to understand to me," said Dr. Alan Lurie, president of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.

Lurie also echoed Claus' caution that radiation levels from dental X-rays when some of the participants were younger was much greater than is used now.

He does warn, however, patients shouldn't assume it's fine for the dentist to take X-rays.

"They should ask why are (dentists) taking this image and what is the benefit to me," he said.

The American Dental Association put out a statement in response to the study noting that the interviews relied on participants' memories of how often they had different types of X-rays years earlier.

The statement added, "The ADA's long-standing position is that dentists should order dental X-rays for patients only when necessary for diagnosis and treatment. Since 1989, the ADA has published recommendations to help dentists ensure that radiation exposure is as low as reasonably achievable."

Dr. Sanjay Mallya, an assistant professor the UCLA School of Dentistry in Los Angeles, said that patients should be concerned whenever they are exposed to radiation, but "it's important to emphasize that this concern should not mean that we shouldn't get X-rays at all."

According to the researchers, "while dental X-rays are an important tool in well selected patients, efforts to moderate exposure to (ionizing radiation) to the head is likely to be of benefit to patients and health care providers alike."

(The photo previously attached to the story has been removed.)

SOURCE: Cancer, online April 10, 2012.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Texas Psychological Career Center: Academic / Research jobs ...

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The Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Surgery seeks a Surgical Education Research Specialist.? This individual will serve as a faculty member and educational specialist and consultant to the Chief of Surgery, Surgical Education Council and Program Directors regarding the management and administration of educational research programs offered by and within the Department of Surgery.? This individual will plan, develop, and deliver innovative, high-quality education research in multiple fields including: high-technology simulation, operating-room based team training, communication training, remediation opportunities, and high-stakes summative assessments.? He/she will collaborate with and mentor faculty to design, implement, and improve research methodology, data collection, and outcome reporting, write proposals and apply for intramural and extramural funding for studies and programs, develop and implement work plans for new and ongoing projects, publish and present educational research papers at peer-reviewed forums, create data collection instruments and IRB requirements, conduct statistical analyses, and write abstracts and manuscripts. ???


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Marc deMoya, MD

Massachusetts GeneralHospital

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Algeria's first president dies at 95

ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) ? Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria's first president and a historic leader of its bloody independence struggle from France, died at his family home in Algiers on Wednesday. He was 95.

Family members and the state news agency did not give the cause of death, but twice in the last month Ben Bella had been treated at the military hospital of Ain Naadja for discomfort.

The charismatic Ben Bella, a symbol of pan-Arabist ideology as well as the global anti-colonial movement, was president of Algeria from 1963 until he was overthrown in a military coup in 1965 by the army chief of staff, Col. Houari Boumedienne.

Ben Bella was under house arrest until 1980, and he went into self exile in Switzerland until returning to the country in 1990 as part of the opposition to the ruling political party he helped found.

A giant of Algeria's independence struggle and the country's first few years, he played only a symbolic role in the latter years of his life, heading the opposition Movement for the Democracy in Algeria Party, which competed in the aborted 1991 elections, winning just 2 percent of the vote.

His party was banned in 1997, but he continued to live in Algeria, often condemning government policies. He was present when the current president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, was sworn in for his third term in April 2009.

Two years earlier, Ben Bella became head of the African Union's "Group of Elders."

Aside from Bouteflika, Ben Bella was the country's sole civilian leader and was followed by a string of generals.

One of the six "historic leaders" of Algeria's revolt against French colonial rule, Ben Bella spent 23 years of his life in French and Algerian prisons.

Through most of the eight-year war of independence, Ben Bella was held in a French fortress. His liberation was one of the main Algerian demands in the drawn-out peace talks that led to the 1962 Evian agreements for Algeria's independence.

Elected president of the newly-independent nation virtually without opposition, he enjoyed less than three years of an extravagant and erratic leadership before being overthrown in an army coup and imprisoned by Boumedienne, then army chief of staff.

Until Boumedienne's death 13 years later, Ben Bella became a "non person" in Algeria. No public mention of his name was allowed in Algerian media ? all state-controlled.

Even the official attacks on Ben Bella's allegedly "arbitrary and wasteful" regime avoided mentioning his name.

Boumedienne died in 1978. His pragmatic and moderate successor, Chadli Bendjedid, freed Ben Bella from more than a decade of detention without trial, ultimately allowing him to go abroad with his wife Zora and their two adopted daughters.

It was Ben Bella's misfortune that he was very much a product of the colonial regime that France imposed on Algeria for 130 years. He spoke better French than Arabic, and the Arabic he spoke was colloquial rather than literary.

As a result, he had difficulty conversing with the leaders of other Arab nations. His often rousing and emotion-charged speeches as president were delivered in Algerian Arabic ? which few citizens of other Arab nations fully understand ? and when he wanted to stress a particular argument, he broke into French.

During his 1990 triumphal return to Algeria, he gave a rambling speech in his trademark mixture of French and Arabic, hailing radical Arab leaders and their causes, including Iraq, Palestine, Libya and its leader Moammar Gadhfi.

Ben Bella was born on Christmas Day, 1916, to a peasant family in Marnia, on Algeria's border with Morocco. He joined the French army in his late teens, rising to the rank of senior warrant officer.

He fought with distinction with the Free French Forces in Italy during World War II and won five French decorations including the prestigious Military Medal. But returning home following the allied victory in Europe, he quickly found that a war hero of Muslim origin had little future in an Algeria ruled by French settlers.

His application for enrollment as rural policeman was rejected, while his widowed mother was denied a license to open a tobacco store in Marnia. Disillusioned, Ben Bella turned against France and was elected municipal councilor for the anti-colonialist "Movement for the Triumph of Democratic Liberties."

When the movement was declared illegal, Ben Bella went underground. In April, 1949, he organized a raid on the Oran central post officer to finance his revolutionary activities. The raid brought him nationwide attention and Robin-Hood-like popularity among the Moslem masses.

Arrested in May 1951, he was interned near Blida but staged a dramatic escape two years later.

He fled to Cairo and began planning the Nov. 1, 1954 uprising that spelled the end for colonial rule in Algeria following a bitter, eight-year war of liberation.

On Oct. 22, 1956, while on a flight from Rabat to Tunis with four companions, Ben Bella's Moroccan plane was hijacked by its own French crew and landed at Algiers' Maison Blanche airport. Immediately arrested, Ben Bella was held prisoner in France until the Evian treaty ended the war nearly seven years later.

Throughout his imprisonment, he remained the titular head of the Algerian revolutionary movement. Algerian representatives signed the Evian treaty only after he had approved it.

Throughout the first two years of independence, Algeria was disrupted by internal conflict between the guerrilla forces who had fought the French and the "exterior forces" based in neighboring Tunisia and Morocco under Boumedienne's command. The exterior forces were well-armed and highly trained, but had hardly fired a shot in anger throughout the war.

Although Algeria's economy and internal political situation deteriorated rapidly, Ben Bella devoted most of his rabble-rousing speeches to external issues, attacking Israel, "American imperialism" and South Africa's apartheid system.

He staked much of his prestige on a summit conference of Asian and African countries at which he was to be host and chairman. On June 19, 1965, three days before the summit was to open, the army seized power in an almost bloodless coup. Boumedienne was proclaimed president but the summit never took place.


Schemm reported from Rabat.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Could PBS Kids Barney be an extinct T. rex ? in a good mood?

When we saw the photos of the big fuzzy ? but extinct ? T. rex that scientists in China discovered, we couldn't help wonder about the PBS Kids Barney and what this means for evolution of kids' toys.

I feel bad even writing this (it doesn?t seem fair to give parents even more to keep them up at night) but a great piece the other day by the Monitor?s science writer, Pete Spotts, made us at Modern Parenthood wonder: Could the PBS Kids Barney be real?
The news, in case you missed it, is that scientists have discovered the remains of a great, big, fuzzy dinosaur ? the first one that could be, well, Barney-like in appearance. (Pete assures us that it was not, in fact, purple, but we?re not letting down our guard.)
Since dinosaurs are big around here (most households with kids go through at least a short T. Rex phase, even if they miss Barney and Friends), we asked Pete to tell us more. Will this new creature change the image of Tyrannosaurus Rex? Will we soon see stuffed dinosaurs covered with feathers? (Hello, choking hazard.) Is there any chance that this Barney-like creature has modern day descendents??

Skip to next paragraph Stephanie Hanes


Stephanie Hanes is the lead writer for Modern Parenthood and a longtime Monitor correspondent.

Recent posts

RELATED: Dressed to kill: A feathered tyrannosaur is discovered in China

Here?s his parent slice of the story:

Remember museum sleepovers, where kids jostled each other to unroll a sleeping bag under the towering, ferocious?T. rex?
How intense would the jostling be if T. rex looked more like Barney? Not purple, perhaps, but still fuzzy ? covered with chick-like, downy feathers?
A new look for T. rex is not out of the question now that scientists have found the first giant Tyrannosarus-like dinosaur covered with feathery down. The creature, Yutyrannus huali, lived between 145 million and 99.5 million years ago, stomping around what is now northeastern China. It is one of T. rex's ancestors.
Researchers studied three extremely well-preserved, nearly complete specimens. The largest of the three animals would have tipped the scales at about 1.5 tons and stretched 30 feet from snout to tail.
Scientists have found feathered dinosaurs before, but the creatures were much smaller. The little guys needed the insulation feathers gave them to help them retain body heat. Because of their bulk, big dinosaurs, however, are at greater risk of overheating than of getting too cold, so they didn't need feathers ? or so the thinking goes.
Yutyrannus huali's downy coat suggests otherwise, at least in some cases. Scientists who made the discovery suggest that the creature needed the coat because it lived at a time when Earth's climate was cooler than it was during the later period when T. rex lived.
Some scientists say baby T. rexs may have had feathers when they hatched, but lost the coat as they matured and grew. This new discovery leads some researchers to suggest that even a full-grown T. rex may have sported feathers as well, although no feathery T. rex fossils have year appeared.
Hans-Dieter Sues, who is in charge of animal fossils at the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C., calls the new find ?remarkable.?
?It's very intriguing to think of this very large fuzz ball running around with a mouth full of killer teeth,? Dr. Sues says.

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Ocean acidification linked to larval oyster failure

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Researchers at Oregon State University have definitively linked an increase in ocean acidification to the collapse of oyster seed production at a commercial oyster hatchery in Oregon, where larval growth had declined to a level considered by the owners to be "non-economically viable."

A study by the researchers found that elevated seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, resulting in more corrosive ocean water, inhibited the larval oysters from developing their shells and growing at a pace that would make commercial production cost-effective. As atmospheric CO2 levels continue to rise, this may serve as the proverbial canary in the coal mine for other ocean acidification impacts on shellfish, the scientists say.

Results of the research have just been published in the journal, Limnology and Oceanography.

"This is one of the first times that we have been able to show how ocean acidification affects oyster larval development at a critical life stage," said Burke Hales, an OSU chemical oceanographer and co-author on the study. "The predicted rise of atmospheric CO2 in the next two to three decades may push oyster larval growth past the break-even point in terms of production."

The owners of Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery at Oregon's Netarts Bay began experiencing a decline in oyster seed production several years ago, and looked at potential causes including low oxygen and pathogenic bacteria. Alan Barton, who works at the hatchery and is an author on the journal article, was able to eliminate those potential causes and shifted his focus to acidification.

Barton sent samples to OSU and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory for analysis. Their ensuing study clearly linked the production failures to the CO2 levels in the water in which the larval oysters are spawned and spend the first 24 hours of their lives, the critical time when they develop from fertilized eggs to swimming larvae, and build their initial shells.

"The early growth stage for oysters is particularly sensitive to the carbonate chemistry of the water," said George Waldbusser, a benthic ecologist in OSU's College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences. "As the water becomes more acidified, it affects the formation of calcium carbonate, the mineral of which the shell material consists. As the CO2 goes up, the mineral stability goes down, ultimately leading to reduced growth or mortality."

Commercial oyster production on the West Coast of North America generates more than $100 million in gross sales annually, generating economic activity of some $273 million. The industry has depended since the 1970s on oyster hatcheries for a steady supply of the seed used by growers. From 2007 to 2010, major hatcheries supplying the seed for West Coast oyster growers suffered persistent production failures.

The wild stocks of non-hatchery oysters simultaneously showed low recruitment, putting additional strain on limited seed supply.

Hales said Netarts Bay, where the Whiskey Creek hatchery is located, experiences a wide range of chemistry fluctuations. The OSU researchers say hatchery operators may be able to adapt their operations to take advantage of periods when water quality is at its highest.

"In addition to the impact of seasonal upwelling, the water chemistry changes with the tidal cycle, and with the time of day," Hales said. "Afternoon sunlight, for example, promotes photosynthesis in the bay and that production can absorb some of the carbon dioxide and lower the corrosiveness of the water."

A previous study co-authored by Hales found the water that is being upwelled in the Pacific Ocean off the Oregon coast has been kept at depth away from the surface for about 50 years ? meaning it was last exposed to the atmosphere a half-century ago, when carbon dioxide levels were much lower. "Since atmospheric CO2 levels have risen significantly in the past half-century, it means that the water that will be upwelled in the future will become increasingly be more corrosive," Hales said.

The OSU researchers also found that larval oysters showed delayed response to the water chemistry, which may cast new light on other experiments looking at the impacts of acidification on shellfish. In their study, they found that larval oysters raised in water that was acidic, but non-lethal, had significantly less growth in later stages of their life.

"The takeaway message here is that the response to poor water quality isn't always immediate," said Waldbusser. "In some cases, it took until three weeks after fertilization for the impact from the acidic water to become apparent. Short-term experiments of just a few days may not detect the damage."


Oregon State University:

Thanks to Oregon State University for this article.

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In Lahore on Monday, during an address at the National Energy Conference, Pakistani PM Gilani promised to resolve the country's energy crisis. The subsequent power outage that hit the conference kind of stepped on his remarks a little bit.

In Lahore on Monday, during an address at the National Energy Conference, Pakistani PM Gilani promised to resolve the country?s energy crisis. The subsequent power outage that hit the conference kind of stepped on his remarks a little bit.


[Express Tribune]

LMAO of course it did. It had to happen atleast once out of the million times they?ve promised to resolve the energy crisis -_-?

Posted on Apr 9th (4:54pm), 1 hour ago

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Helmsley Arts Centre: Ryedale Open Literature Entertainment

A meesage from John Dean:

Now, with April?s sweet showers around, a new open access occasional literary group is forming. Ryedale Open Literature Entertainment (ROLE), with the aim to share poetry, plays and prose, initially in Kirkbymoorside, then at various Ryedale venues.

Examples of activities which will assist the launch of? ROLE, directly or indirectly, include:

* the Scarborough Literature Festival?

*?a book launch by poet Paul Munden: poems and photographs of Shandy Hall, Coxwold. Thursday 12 April, 7 -7.45 p.m. at Kirkbymoorside Library tickets available ?1 now at the Library;

* poetry sharing at and around the Daffodil Walk in Farndale on Sunday 15th April

*?a WEA literary course launch ?True Voices of Feeling? - Friends Meeting House, Kirkbymoorside?? Monday 16th April 10.45-12.45 for ten weeks.

If you would like to help with these readings, or at others in the future, please contact John at 01439 771639 or email.

John Dean

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What Will Be The Best SUV In 2013?

Article Directory :: Automotive Articles

The number of SUV's vying for the best SUV in 2013, are many and varied. While the Toyota Landcruiser Diesel is said to win hands down, there are other impressive and opulent contenders for this title. One would have to break down the models into different categories, and then put a finger on the best model in that category.

As stated above the Landcruiser with Outback dual-tank conversion, is an all-time favourite. As a strong contender for the title of best 2013 SUV, the SUV's durability and reliability are such that it literally becomes a family-choice car. However, running the Landcruiser is not budget-friendly. Even though it is a diesel operated vehicle, it guzzles gas, and its depreciation value is not all that much. Since the vehicle is so popular and so much in demand, the manufacturers have not found the need to make any important changes either inside, or on the exterior of the vehicle. Among the smaller versions of SUV's, the Ford Escape and Toyota Rav4, would stand head to head. The Ford Escape with its new 2013 look, still retains its reliability and delivers a good mileage in its two models of 1.6L and 2.0L. In respect of the Toyota Rav4, this vehicle also has a new 2013 look, and it continues to meet demands for reliability and great performance. Both SUV's are fuel efficient, and easy on the pocket. An SUV that would more serve the laid-back community, would be the Jeep Grand Cherokee - a rough and tough jeep that can traverse any terrain. The new 2013 diesel-operated model in this Jeep Grand Cherokee, is welcome. It can travel anywhere, and has models in different HP, in a range of prices.

Manufacturers of salon cars are now going in for SUV versions of their salon models. Lamborghini will soon unveil an SUV version in Beijing. The reason behind their choice of an SUV design, is because certain countries are more into buying bigger cars. Not lagging behind are the Porsche manufacturers. Their new SUV will be called the Porsche Cajun. Maserati is also scheduled to unveil its new super model SUV - with the famous Ferrari V8 engine, resulting in a top speed of 450 hp. General Motors has its 2013 Chevrolet Malibu ready, waiting to hit the dealer stores.

There are probably many other big and well known car manufacturers planning to introduce newer and better SUV's in the market. The abovementioned SUV's though, are at the moment, occupying the 2013 best SUV slots.

Hank Boks is an author on various blogs. He like to write about many different topics: home and family, automotive, business, finance, shopping, but also subjects like e.g. best suvs in 2013. Read more from him on

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Monday, April 9, 2012

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Lenders begin testing investor appetite for the trade finance equivalent of collateralised debt obligations in an attempt to boost lending capacity

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The Health And Fitness Center At Washtenaw Community College ...

: Yoga Instructor (Part Time)
: The Health and Fitness Center at Washtenaw Community College
: Ann Arbor
: Michigan
: US
: Saturday, April 7, 2012 01:51:29 GMT
: Active

The Health And Fitness Center At Washtenaw Community College, is currently looking to employ Yoga Instructor (Part Time) at Saturday, April 7, 2012 01:51:29 GMT. This job located in Ann Arbor, MI, and publicly announced 20 hours ago.

Good news, it still active, so besure to read the job description below and go ahead hit the View/Apply button to proceed further.

Job Description/Requirement provided by The Health And Fitness Center At Washtenaw Community College:

Yoga Instructor (Part Time) Job Descriptions/Requirements provided by The Health And Fitness Center At Washtenaw Community College. Click the ?View Complete Job Description? link at the bottom of this description to view the complete job description.

Teach Yoga classes in a professional and safe manner to the members and guests of the Center. Responsible for all assigned classes including being prompt and?

View Complete Job Description ?


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How to do A Street View

As in Google Maps, Street View lets you explore places through 360-degree street-level imagery. In Lexxio, this feature should help you looking at the job location and check it out just before going there.

Street View: Zoom in

1. Zoom in

First, Zoom in, by clicking on the job location marker. This will get you to the street level zoom.

At this zoom level you will see the road/street?s name nearby the marker. This is your first hint of the job location whereabouts.

2. Drag and Drop Pegman

Street View: Drag and Drop Pegman

Drag Pegman?????to any positions at the closest road to the marker. Roads with Street View imagery will appear with a blue border.

Notice the green shade with dotted border under Pegman, it means it still finding the best possible position to land the Pegman. The shade will become solid green when it finds the right position. That?s when you release your mouse drag, and drop it. You should see the street view of the job location at that exact time.

3. Navigating In Street View

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? use the wheel in the control panel in the top left corner.
? or use the left and right arrows on your keyboard
? or click and drag with your mouse.

Street View white arrows walk


? click on one of the white arrows overlaid on the street.
? or use the up and down arrows on your keyboard.

Tips: Use both Rotate and Walk navigation, to locate and get to closest position of the marker, as that?s where the job location is. You should also see an address at the top of the map. This address is approximate, based on latitude and longitude position provided by the job poster. It might be usefull to take a note on this address, just incase you can?t find any physical address of the job location at the apply page.

Exit Street View


? click Exit cross on the top right corner of the Street View map.

Thassit. That?s all there is about Street View. You?re ready to get the fun begin, and enjoy a bit of a view and situation of the job location you?re about to apply to.

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94% The Secret World of Arrietty

All Critics (113) | Top Critics (25) | Fresh (106) | Rotten (7)

As pretty as it is, this Secret World is too Earthbound by far.

The Secret World of Arrietty is a marvelously captivating animated feature about very tiny people and the full-scale world they inhabit.

Yonebayashi gives Arrietty an excellent sense of balance, with the adventure aspects of the story, which feel legitimately dangerous providing well-paced contrast the film's more placid moments.

It's an enjoyable and attractive-looking film, but a little of that "Speed Racer" energy wouldn't have been such a bad thing.

The visual details are inventive, and the animation - particularly the colors - is lovely.

"The Secret World of Arrietty'' is a feast for the eyes that will engage the entire family.

It certainly belongs in the second rank of Ghibli fantasies. But give it a chance.

Most will be caught up in its beautiful spell, immersed in great storytelling at its finest.

The soft-focus animation has an impressionistic quality, as if a gentle breeze had wafted across a Monet canvas.

This smart, winsome fairy tale is not quite Hiyao Miyazaki, but it still might be the best animated film that (some few) will see all year.

Another Studio Ghibli wonder, as heartbreaking for its devotion to craft, artistry and intelligent storytelling (for viewers of all ages) as for its themes of inevitable exile and impossible love.

There's a gentle movie from Japan that's going to seem familiar to a lot of fans of the series of books about 'The Borrowers.'

...yet another jewel in the crown of Studio Ghibli.

...creates a sense of wide-eyed wonder and discovery as we experience the awe-inspiring mysteries of an ordinary house as seen from the four-inch borrower's point of view.

The animation, a gorgeous blend of bewitching watercolored backgrounds and poignantly rendered characters, is, as ever, beyond reproach.

What is most effective is the way the sense of peaceful shelter and retreat in the country setting contrasts with the precariousness of the situations faced by Shawn and Arrietty.

It's hard to imagine this scenario playing out with more delicacy and care than animator-turned-director Yonebayashi Hiromasa brings to bear.

Arrietty has an elegiac mood, like a more wan and sedate Toy Story.

Gently enchanting, an extraordinary adventure

There may not be a frenzy of action and fast cuts but each scene has meticulous details about how the borrowers live, how they make use of the things in their environment to survive.

Tiny people who live in the walls of a rural home are put at risk when they are discovered by the humans residing there. Studio Ghibli offers a soothing animated version of the classic children's novels.

the basic elements of loneliness, friendship, and the fragility of life are intact, along with that ineffable sense of wonder, melancholy, and magic

By being less bizarre than SPIRITED AWAY and having more of a human center to the film, THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY is one of Studio Ghibli's best efforts to date.

A beautiful family film based on THE BORROWERS will delight audiences of all ages

The Secret World of Arrietty is an engaging and warm story of a lovely friendship that has enough action and humour to satisfy all ages, and boy, it's awfully pretty.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Russia criticism of Assad hints at calculus change

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Egyptian ex-regime strongman to run for president

CAIRO (AP) ? A former strongman of ousted President Hosni Mubarak's regime announced his presidential candidacy Friday, shaking up an already heated race that is emerging as a contest between two longtime rivals ? former regime officials and Islamists who have surged in influence.

Omar Suleiman, one of the most powerful figures of Mubarak's regime, had said earlier this week that he would not run. But he said he changed his mind after hundreds of people rallied in Cairo to support a bid.

The announcement drew outrage from youth activists who spearheaded the popular uprising that toppled Mubarak last year and have since been disappointed by the continued influence of members of his ex-regime. Liberals and revolutionaries have been largely squeezed out of the presidential race. Some have vowed to boycott the May 23-24 balloting altogether.

"I find it incomprehensible that one of the top figures of the old regime, who should be on trial right now as a criminal, is actually considering running for president," said Mohammad Radwan, who took part in last year's mass protests.

The 75-year-old former general must get 30,000 signatures by Sunday's official filing deadline or the backing of at least 30 parliamentarians in order to run. Suleiman could be the ruling generals' preferred candidate, someone who would try to keep the old political system intact and protect the privileges of the military.

"This is a bullet to the Egyptian revolution," said spokesman Ahmed Khair of the liberal Free Egyptians Party. "His candidacy means that the revolution is not moving down its natural path and it means that the Egyptian citizen will the pay the price."

Suleiman, who appeared on television on Feb. 11, 2011 to announce that Mubarak would step down and hand power to the country's military leaders, served as Egypt's intelligence chief for 18 years at a time when the regime was accused of carrying out torture and human rights abuses against dissenters. He also was longtime a confidant of Mubarak.

That makes him suspect in the eyes of many Egyptians, who had hoped to stamp out the old regime altogether and usher in a transition to democracy.

A win for Suleiman would largely keep control of Egypt in the hands of the military. Egypt's last four presidents have all been military men.

His decision also was the latest surprise in the first presidential race since Mubarak was ousted after nearly 30 years in power.

Last week, the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's most organized Islamist movement, named its chief strategist and financier Khairat el-Shater as a candidate, reversing an earlier pledge not to participate in the election. The long-outlawed Brotherhood already controls about half of the seats in parliament and would completely dominate the political arena if el-Shater wins.

The Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party posted Suleiman's announcement to run for president on its official Facebook page, with five photos of him smiling and shaking hands with top Israeli officials to the backdrop of the Israeli flag.

"This is a serious threat to the revolution," a Brotherhood statement said Friday.

Suleiman, who was appointed vice president shortly after the uprising began, is well known and respected by U.S. officials and has traveled to Washington many times. He was the point person on both the U.S. relationship and the Israel-Egyptian relationship under Mubarak, once a close U.S. ally.

Suleiman's entry in the race is likely to be welcomed by Egyptians who fear their country might be slipping into chaos after a turbulent year of deadly protests against the military's continued rule that have battered the economy. His insider knowledge of the political system could make him one of the front-runners in the crowded field.

His supporters also fear that Egypt, the Arab world's most populous country, is falling into the hands of Islamists, some of whom have called for a strict application of Islamic law and cutting ties with neighboring Israel.

Hundreds rallied Friday in Cairo to call for him to run for president.

Suleiman said that helped change his mind.

"I can only meet the call and run in the presidential race, despite the constraints and difficulties I made clear in my former statement," he said in a statement carried by the official MENA news agency on Friday. He said he faces administrative obstacles, but did not elaborate.

Tarek Shalaby, a blogger and socialist activist, said he does not believe Suleiman has a strong chance of winning, though, since he was a central figure of Mubarak's widely despised regime.

Shalaby said Suleiman's bid will only push those fearful of Islamists to vote for presidential hopeful Amr Moussa, a former Arab League chief and foreign minister who is courting the liberal and secular vote. Shalaby also said he is boycotting the election because he does not believe it will be free or fair under military rule.

Meanwhile, thousands of ultraconservative supporters of Islamist candidate Hazem Abu Ismail, a 50-year-old lawyer-turned-preacher, rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square to support him after it was announced that his mother was an American citizen, which could disqualify him as a candidate if he cannot prove otherwise. He has called it an "elaborate plot" against him and says his mother only had a Green Card. A preacher speaking to the crowd at Tahrir Square on Friday said the attacks against Abu Ismail amounted to attacks against God's rule.

The presidential vote is set to take place end of May, with a possible run off later. The announcement of who will lead Egypt is to be announced no later than end of June.

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Health and Fitness - Daily Beauty Tips

??HEALTH AND FITNESS?? ? a topic about which everybody is concerned. General health and fitness has become an increasing priority for people all over the world. Staying healthy is almost as primary as staying alive, as life loses its charm without physical and mental health and fitness. In today?s life of chaos it become very difficult for anyone to consider about their health and fitness. In-spite of that we win every precaution to remain fit as we all are familiar with the obsolete saying that ?health is wealth?. Remaining fit and healthy not only helps us to luxuriate in every moments of our life but also allows us to do something for our country in the sense that if we are healthy then we not only work at the top of our capabilities but also work efficiently and effectively leading to fewer errors. glimpse reveals that if we are healthy then we will also have a better framework of mind to tackle with adverse situations.

To remain fit and healthy we need to follow a strict routine which not only comprises of healthy food habits but also a fixed time for our breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your diet is central to staying healthy. For working personnel though it become very tough to follow a strict routine but they should recall every measures and try to be on the same diagram. Exercises and yoga is a magic mantra for fitness. We should do exercises regularly and avoid junk food as far as possible which is the greatest threat to our health as it is made up of things that are not pleasant for our health and can cause severe diseases. It seems like everyday there is a unique fitness craze sweeping the nation and all day long you are bombarded with advertisements telling you about the original greatest diet where you are guaranteed to lose weight easily.

Fitness and use aren?t the only components to women?s health, though. Your diet is central to staying healthy. Working at a night job is really dull and not many people are first-rate enough to handle it.

Working at a night job is really unimaginative and not many people are grand enough to handle it.

It is probably the most difficult thing to conclude for people working in night shifts. The body needs minimum 7 hours sleep to ensure it gets rid of all the tiredness. People working night shifts should try to sleep immediately after coming encourage from work. It is natural that the body won?t feel sleepy in the morning and this is something which needs to be worked on. After coming from the shift relax for a few minutes and go for a warm water bath. Have a light breakfast and read a book for sometime, the mind will automatically open feeling sleepy. manufacture definite the cell phones are on the restful mode and the sleeping session is not interrupted by people. This may sound very repetitive but healthy eating helps to boost a worthy sleeping pattern. Follow a nourishing diet and do not skip meals. Avoid sharp swiftly food or soft drinks as they bear the body with empty calories and lead to excessive weight come by. Eat healthy salads frequently. People should avoid indulging in heavy eating after coming home from work.

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State calls Aetna health insurance rate hike 'unreasonable ...

Connecticut-based Aetna Life Insurance Co. has raised its health insurance premiums on small employers with 73,000 members an average 30.3 percent over two years, which the California Department of Insurance on Thursday called "unreasonable."

It is the state's first-ever such finding, but the state has no power to block the increase.

Aetna Life Insurance Co. has raised its health insurance rates on small employers as of April 1.


The latest increase effective April 1 is an average 8 percent annually with a 30.3 percent hike over 24 months for small employers with Aetna's PPO health insurance policies.

The department found that Aetna made projections about medical cost increases higher than the U.S. Bureau of Labor's medical cost inflation index and unsupported by Aetna's actual claims experience.

Aetna released the following statement:

"While rate increases are never easy, our rates are based on actuarially sound data and reasonable projection of future cost, which will impact approximately 16,000 customers.? Our Medical Loss Ratio is at 86.7%, which is higher than any of the filed rates by our competitors. Medical loss ratio is the percentage of health insurance premiums that insurers use to provide health care to their customers."

The Department of Insurance requested that Aetna postpone its April 1 rate increase, but the company implemented it anyway.

In making its finding, the Department. of Insurance noted that the Aetna subsidiary that sells health insurance in California made a 27.7 percent profit in 2011 and paid $1.7 billion in dividends to its parent company.

Aetna has paid dividends to its parent company in each of the past four years, the department noted. It paid $1.9 billion in 2010, $147 million in 2009 and $675 million in 2008.

Click here to read Aetna's filing, which is posted on the California Dept. of Insurance website.

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones said, "I am disappointed that Aetna has decided to reject my request to refrain from its latest health insurance rate increases on small employers... (who) are struggling in this economy and should not be hit with a 30 percent increase in just 25 months for health insurance for their employees."

Contact the writer: 714-796-7927 or

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Marshall Fine: Movie review: Wrath of the Titans - ye gods!

As I watched the final few minutes of Wrath of the Titans, I thought, "What I wouldn't give to be a 10-year-old boy right now."

That's absolutely the audience that will enjoy this silly, overblown special-effects extravaganza. At 10, you can still buy into the reality of wild fantasy; at that age, you live for the shocks and sensations of this kind of movie. It's the 10-year-old's meat-and-potatoes: movies built around explosions, outlandish monsters, fireballs and creatures made out of magma that drip lava. Oh yeah - and the clanging of swords.

Unless you're that age - and that undiscriminating - well, Wrath of the Titans is an unholy bore. Its most regular source of amusement is the clunky dialogue of Dan Mazeau and David Leslie Johnson and the sight of a panoply of otherwise-serious actors sporting the flowing robes and tresses of Hebrew prophets or, in this case, ancient Greek gods.

Ostensibly a sequel to 2010's similarly silly Clash of the Titans, with several of the same actors reprising roles, Wrath echoes last year's Immortals, offering the further adventures of demigod Perseus (Sam Worthington), who must stop the escape of the evil Titans - imprisoned in the Underworld - who want to overthrow the gods and destroy the Earth.

(Immortals actually dealt with Theseus - but the makers of this film give Perseus a couple of his adventures, including a battle against a minotaur.)

In this mythical mash-up, Ares (Edgar Ramirez), petulant god of war and unhappy son of Zeus, teams with the evil Hades (Ralph Fiennes) to drain the powers from Hades' brothers Zeus (Liam Neeson) and Poseidon (Danny Huston). In doing so, they'll set free Cronos, the evil titan who was father to Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Got that?

When unleashed, Cronos will obliterate humanity, though Hades reconciles his role as Cronos' accomplice by noting that Cronos has promised him immortality. It feels as though these guys haven't really thought this through: If they destroy Earth, well, do the math.

It's up to Perseus, half-human son of Zeus, to team up with Queen Andromeda (Rosamund Pike) and fellow demigod Agedor (Toby Kebbell) to stop Ares and rescue Zeus. Do you doubt they will?

But director Jonathan Liebesman mistakes motion for action. His camera follows his heroes doggedly as they dodge giant rocks, rampaging cyclopses and flying fireballs, but the jumpy editing drains the imagery of tension, rather than enhancing it.

And here's the other thing about bad CGI-powered movies: The filmmaker is generally afraid to actually let you focus on any of his digital creations too long, lest the seams show. It doesn't matter whether it's a giant cyclops, a pro-wrestler-style minotaur or Cronos' double-torso warriors: He never stops to let you get a fix on what they actually look like. Consider the difference between trash like this and something like Avatar, where James Cameron gave the viewer long, loving looks at his all-CG images.

The 3D? Unnecessary as usual (unless you have allergies and are easily upset by images of floating dust motes that pop of the screen).

But then Wrath of the Titans is itself totally unnecessary. Unless you're a 10-year-old boy.

Find more reviews, interviews and commentary on my website.




Follow Marshall Fine on Twitter: Fine

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